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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Best Crappie Jig

I'm not sure what it is about this color, but it works!

Here are the crappie!

Guess what?  It works on bass too!

Keep in mind that our water in this area is very stained.  All fish were released.  Tight lines!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Crappie Jigging for Bass!

So you're out at the lake bass fishing.  You've thrown every lure imaginable.  The kitchen sink, or your pole, just might be next.

Don't give up.  Just start crappie jigging! Granted, the bass you catch probably won't be trophy-sized.  But the fact is that bass hit a crappie jigs.  Plus you can catch some crappie, which are fun too!

All fish were released unharmed.  Tight lines!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bass Fishing: Finish Your Retrieve!

A lot of the information I've read has suggested a cautious approach to the edge of the pond or lake so as not to scare away any bass that may be on the perimeter.  I've even seen suggestions to wear camo or at least darker-colored clothing so as not to frighten away any bass near shore.  I understand the premise, but I think you have to take into account the clarity of the water (or lack of it).  Here in West Texas, our water is very stained.  You literally can't see more than an inch deep.

Another thing you have to take into account is the environment.  I do a lot of urban fishing right in the middle of a city of 250,000, people.  Most of the local lakes are incorporated into parks, so there is constant noise from cars, bicycle riders, runners, dogs, etc.

When you combine heavily-stained water with constant noise, guess what you get?  You get bass that don't spook easily.  To a degree, they're used to people.  So unless you walk up throwing rocks in, the fish might stay right at the bank.

I say all of that to make this point.  Finish your retrieve.  It can be tempting, especially if you're frustrated and coming up empty, to raise your pole up and thereby raise your bait out of the water before you swim it all the way to the bank.  Don't make that mistake, especially in heavily-stained water.

Here's the bass I caught today.

Here's the bait.

This is where I was fishing.  

See that first little clump of cattails just a couple of feet off the bank?  I hooked the fish in that area!  I didn't even have to reel!  When my pole slammed down, I raised the fish up out of the water and swung it onto shore in one motion.

So I say again, set your frustration aside and finish that retrieve.  Swim it all the way to the bank.  Don't lift your lure out of the water prematurely.

The bass was released unharmed.  Tight lines!