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Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Five Best Fishing Baits

These are in order of effectiveness, with #1 being the most effective.  This is my opinion only, of course.

1. Night crawlers.  Almost every fish out there will bite on worms.  I've caught catfish, carp, trout, sunfish, perch, and blue gill on worms.

2.  Bread.  Bread balls can be made from sliced bread for fishing off the bottom, but an unsliced bagget is the only way to surface fish.  See my post on carp fishing for more detail.

3.  Biscuit dough.  It doesn't matter what kind.  Since it's sticky, it stays on the hook well.  It's also more difficult for the fish to eject, thus increasing the chance that the hook will catch in the fish's mouth.

4.  Corn.  Preferably canned sweet corn due to the aroma it emits in the water.

5.  Hot dog weenies.  My advice would be to open the package and drain the juice.  Let the franks dry overnight.  They should stay on the hook longer.

Happy fishing!

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