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Friday, July 3, 2015

Best Time of Day to Fish

Hands down, the best time of day to fish is early morning, as the sun's rising.  The advantages begin before you ever put a hook in the water.  Case in point.

If you take a minute to observe the water, you'll probably notice that it's teaming with activity.  This is especially true in the summer.  Fish are a lot like you and I.  They don't do much when it's hot.

An early morning and some cut sunfish or cut bluegill can yield nice results in the catfish department.  Take a look.

Trip # 1

Trip #2

Trip # 3

You'll notice that all of these are channel catfish.  Channels thoroughly enjoy cut bait.  That said, there's an exception to every rule.  The first and largest fish was actually caught with corn.

All of the catfish were released.  Tight lines!

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